Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised the guidelines on bank finance against shares and debentures and small value loans by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs). What are the guidelines on bank finance to stock brokers? Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) are prohibited from extending any fund based or non fund based credit facilities, whether secured or unsecured, to stockbrokers against shares and debentures / bonds, or other securities, such as fixed deposits, LIC policies etc. UCBs are not permitted to extend any facility to commodity brokers, including issue of guarantees on their behalf. What are the guidelines on bank finance to individuals against shares and debentures? Advances against units of mutual funds can be extended only to individuals. Loans against the primary / collateral security of shares / debentures can be extended only to individuals and should be limited to ₹5 lakh if the security is in physical form and up to ₹10 lakh if the security is in de...