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Which deductions can be claimed from total income?

The taxpayers can claim certain deduction from their total income before arriving at the taxable income for calculating the tax. From the financial year 2020-21, these deductions are available to taxpayers who opt for the Old Tax Regime. The deduction which can be claimed by an individual taxpayer from Gross Total Income under the various sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961 are listed below.

Section 80 C

  • Premium paid on life insurance policy
  • Employee’s contribution to employee provident fund (PF/EPF)
  • Deposit in public provident fund (PPF)
  • National savings certificate (NSC)
  • Savings in senior citizen savings scheme
  • Investment in equity linked savings scheme (ELSS) mutual funds
  • Repayment of housing loan (principal component)
  • Fixed deposit for 5 years or more
  • Tuition fees to school/college/institution in India for full time education of up to 2 children

Deduction up to Rs.1,50,000/-

Section 80 CCC

Investment in annuity plans for pension scheme

Section 80 CCD (1)

Employee’s contribution to National Pension Scheme (NPS) 

Deduction up to 14% of salary (for central government employees) or up to 10% (for others)

Section 80 CCD (1B)

Employee’s additional contribution to National Pension Scheme (NPS) 

Deduction up to Rs.50,000/-

Section 80 CCD (2)

Employer’s contribution to National Pension Scheme (NPS)

Deduction up to 14% of salary (for central government employees) or up to 10% (for others)

Section 80 CCE

Aggregate deduction under section 80 C, 80 CCC and 80 CCD (1) up to Rs.1,50,000/-

Section 80 CCF

Investment in notified long-term infrastructure bonds

Deduction up to Rs.20,000/-

Section 80 D

  • Premium paid on medical insurance policy for self, spouse, parents, or dependent children 
  • Expenditure incurred on preventive health check-up for self, spouse, parents, or dependent children
  • Expenditure incurrent for senior citizens who are not covered by medical insurance policy 
  • Contribution to Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) 

Deduction up to Rs.25,000/- (if the person / patient is less than 60 years of age) and up to Rs.50,000/- (if the person / patient is of the age 60 years or more). This includes deduction of up to Rs.5,000/- for expenditure on preventive health check-up.

Section 80 DD

  • Expenditure incurred for medical treatment (including nursing), training and rehabilitation of disabled spouse, children, parents and dependent siblings
  • Deposit in any scheme for the medical treatment of disabled spouse, children, parents and dependent siblings

Flat deduction irrespective of expenditure incurred – Rs.75,000/- for disability or Rs.1,25,000/- for severe disability of 80% or more 

Section 80 DDB

Expenditure incurred for medical treatment of self, spouse, children, parents, sibling for specified ailment (AIDS, Neurological ailments, Cancer)

Deduction up to Rs.40,000/- (for treatment of person of less than 60 years of age) or Rs.1,00,000/- (for treatment of person of the age 60 years or more)

Section 80 E

Interest paid on loan taken from financial institution for higher education of self, spouse, children, or student for whom the taxpayer is legal guardian

Deduction available for up to 8 consecutive years

Section 80 EE

Interest paid on loan taken between April 01, 2016 to March 31, 2017, for acquisition of residential house property 

Deduction up to Rs.50,000/-

Section 80 EEA

Interest paid on loan taken between April 01, 2019 to March 31, 2022 for acquisition of residential house property for the first time

Deduction up to Rs.1,50,000/-

Section 80 EEB

Interest paid on loan taken between April 01, 2019 to March 31, 2023 for purchase of Electric Vehicle 

Deduction up to Rs.1,50,000/-

Section 80G 

Donations to prescribed Funds, Charitable Institutions, etc.

Section 80 GG

  • Rent paid for residential house by self-employed who does not own a house 
  • Rent paid for residential house by salaried person who neither receives House Rent Allowance (HRA) nor owns a house

Deduction up to the lowest of the following – 

  • Rs.5,000/- per month 
  • 25% of Total Income (excluding long term capital gains, short term capital gains under section 111A or income under section 115A or 115D)
  • Rent paid (minus) 10% of Total Income before this deduction

Form 10BA needs to be filled for claiming this deduction

Section 80 GGA

Donations for scientific research or rural development

Section 80 GGC

Contributions to political party or electoral trust

Section 80 QQB

Royalty income on books and literary work (excluding textbooks, guides, magazines, diaries, journals, newspapers, etc.)

Deduction up to Rs.3,00,000/-

Section 80 RRB 

Royalty income on patents

Deduction up to Rs.3,00,000/-

Section 80 TTA

Interest received on saving bank accounts by taxpayer who is less than 60 years of age

Deduction up to Rs.10,000/-

Section 80 TTB

Interest received on saving bank accounts by taxpayer who is of the age 60 years or more

Deduction up to Rs.50,000/-

Section 80 U

If the taxpayers in disabled

Flat deduction irrespective of expenditure incurred – Rs.75,000/- for disability or Rs.1,25,000/- for severe disability of 80% or more

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