Filing your income tax return (ITR)? Have you checked your Annual Information Statement (AIS) and Taxpayer Information Summary (TIS) for the year?
What is Annual Information Statement (AIS)?
AIS is a comprehensive statement of taxes deducted / paid, incomes received, expenses incurred, investments purchased / sold and other financial transactions made during the financial year. AIS was rolled out by Central Board of Direct Taxes in November 2021.
What is Taxpayer Information Summary (TIS)?
TIS is a summarized version of AIS and provides category-wise information to ease filing of ITRs. The information included in TIS is pre-filled in the ITRs on the income tax e-filing portal.
What information is captured in AIS?
AIS provides information on taxes deducted / paid during the financial year including tax deducted at source (TDS), tax collected at source (TCS), advance tax paid and self-assessment tax paid.
It also covers 53 categories of financial transactions including incomes received, expenses incurred, and investments purchased / sold during the financial year. The transactions captured in AIS include salary, rent, dividend, interest from deposits, interest from others, interest from income tax refund, winnings from lottery / crossword puzzle / horse race, receipt of accumulated balance of PF from employer, receipts from life insurance policy, withdrawal of deposits under national savings scheme, sale of land or building / vehicle / securities and units of mutual fund, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, cash payments, outward foreign remittance, receipt of foreign remittance, foreign travel, purchase of immovable property / vehicle / securities and units of mutual funds, Credit / Debit card, balance in account, etc.
The complete list of financial transactions covered by AIS is available at
How to download AIS and TIS?
- Login to income tax e-filing portal (
- Go to ‘Services’, click ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS)’.
- Click on ‘Proceed’. You will be redirected to AIS portal.
- Click on ‘AIS’ which is next to ‘Instructions’.
- Select the financial year.
- Click on the download symbol, then click on ‘Download’ for ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS) – PDF’.
- In case AIS is not downloaded, go to ‘Activity History’. Find the entry ‘AIS Downloaded’ and click on the download symbol.
- AIS and TIS are downloaded in password-protected PDFs. The password is your PAN (in lower case) followed by your date of birth. For eg. if your PAN is ABCDE1234A and date of birth is January 01, 1990, then password will be abcde1234a01011990.
What if the information provided in AIS is incorrect?
In case any information provided in AIS is found to be incorrect, the taxpayer can submit the feedback for correction / modification of the information.
Download necessary files from AIS portal –
- Login to income tax e-filing portal (
- Go to ‘Services’, click ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS)’.
- Click on ‘Proceed’. You will be redirected to AIS portal.
- Click on ‘AIS’ which is next to ‘Instructions’.
- Select the financial year.
- Click on the download symbol, then click on ‘Download’ for ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS) – JSON (for AIS Utility)’.
- Go to ‘Resources’ and click on ‘Utility’.
- Download ‘AIS Utility’.
Create feedback file –
- Install the downloaded ‘AIS Utility.exe’ file.
- Read the instructions and import the downloaded ‘AIS – JSON’ file. AIS file is password-protected. The password is your PAN (in lower case) followed by your date of birth. For eg. if your PAN is ABCDE1234A and date of birth is January 01, 1990, then password will be abcde1234a01011990.
- Category-wise entries appear in different tabs. Select the entry which needs correction / modification. Go towards the end of the entry, click on ‘Optional’, select the feedback from the drop-down list and click on ‘Save’.
- After completing the feedback for all the required entities, click on ‘Export’ and save the file on your laptop / PC.
Upload feedback file on AIS portal –
- Login to income tax e-filing portal (
- Go to ‘Services’, click ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS)’.
- Click on ‘Proceed’. You will be redirected to AIS portal.
- Click on ‘AIS’ which is next to ‘Instructions’.
- Select the financial year.
- Click on the upload symbol, select the feedback file and click on ‘Upload’.
- Login to income tax e-filing portal (
- Go to ‘Services’, click ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS)’.
- Click on ‘Proceed’. You will be redirected to AIS portal.
- Click on ‘AIS’ which is next to ‘Instructions’.
- Select the financial year.
- Click on the download symbol, then click on ‘Download’ for ‘AIS Consolidated Feedback (ACF) – PDF’.
- The feedback file is password-protected. The password is your PAN (in lower case) followed by your date of birth. For eg. if your PAN is ABCDE1234A and date of birth is January 01, 1990, then password will be abcde1234a01011990.
How to track the uploaded feedback?
- Login to income tax e-filing portal (
- Go to ‘Services’, click ‘Annual Information Statement (AIS)’.
- Click on ‘Proceed’. You will be redirected to AIS portal.
- Go to ‘Activity History’.
- Check the status of the entry ‘Feedback file processed’.
Once the feedback is processed and accepted, the updated entries appear in TIS.
What are the Active and Inactive entries in AIS?
When the information is updated by the reporting entity by submission of correction statement, the original transaction is marked as ‘Inactive’ and a new transaction vale is added as ‘Active’ entry. Hence, the active entries are the final entries.
What are the reported, processed and derived values in TIS?
- Reported Value - value reported by the reporting entities like banks, stock exchanges, depositories, etc.
- Processed Value - value after processing i.e. removing duplication of information.
- Derived Value - value derived after considering the taxpayer’s feedback (in case the taxpayer submits any modification / correction) and processed value.
What are the limitations of AIS?
AIS includes information presently available with Income Tax Department. There may be other transactions which are not presently displayed in Annual Information Statement (AIS). While filing ITRs, taxpayer shall report complete and accurate information, even if it is not part of AIS.
Form 26AS vs AIS
Form 26AS | AIS |
Captures those incomes on which tax has been deducted | Captures all incomes irrespective of whether tax has been deducted or not |
Includes financial transactions only if it crosses a specified limit | Includes 53 categories of financial transactions including incomes received, expenses incurred, and investments purchased / sold. |
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